Refresher Training Update
Don’t wait for your previous qualification to expire before booking your refresher training! You can book your HETAS Refresher assessment training up to six months ahead of the due date, without losing any time from your five-year extension.
To give an example:
H003 dry installer course passed 13th January 2012
Refresher due 13th January 2017
H003 Refresher passed 9th September 2016
Qualification valid until 13th January 2022
That’s 5 years and 4 months from the assessment.
Renewal of qualifications is crucial, and is mandatory for combustion appliance installations under Competent Person Scheme rules. At HETAS we want to give you every opportunity to take your training on dates that are convenient to you. Your HETAS Refresher course covers all updates in Regulations and Standards, whilst giving you the opportunity to demonstrate your existing knowledge and ability, ensuring you are able to give the best possible service to your customers.
Why not incorporate the HETAS ‘System Chimney’ course (H006) for internal systems and the brand new, increasingly popular ‘Dry Pellet Stove’ (H008) course, further developing your skill set and ensuring you are able to offer your customers a wider range of installations.
Regular Technical Bulletins and e-newsletters are issued by HETAS in support of our Registered Installers, Approved Sweeps and Approved Retailers. These can also be accessed by registrants in the new Technical Hub of the HETAS website which contains a wide range of useful topics and will be updated on a regular basis.
The HETAS Technical Helpline is of course there whenever you are in need of any advice on any aspect of an installation. Unique to you as a HETAS Registered Installer we are proud to have taken almost 25,000 calls since it began in 2013.
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