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Environment Improvement Plan – new particulate emissions limits
The recent publication of the governments Environment Improvement Plan generated a great deal of interest amongst industry and in the press, with proposals to change particulate emissions limits on appliances for use in smoke control areas. In this article, the HETAS Technical team clarifies the detail of the plan and provide further guidance and information.
Posted on April 27, 2023 by Alice

Evidencing your installations
The HETAS team offer guidance to registered installers for evidencing your installations.
Posted on April 27, 2023 by Lily

Wales Clean Air Plans
The HETAS team provide an overview of Wales Clean Air Plans and the latest updates from the Welsh government.
Posted on March 30, 2023 by Alice

Burn Better March 2023
Defra has developed a dedicated communications campaign (Burn Better) targeted at domestic burners, to improve awareness of the environmental and public health impacts of burning and help reduce exposure to harmful pollution. HETAS has been supporting the Burn Better campaign.
Posted on March 30, 2023 by Alice

Ban on wood stoves? | Government confirms no ban
No doubt you will have seen some headlines about a possible ban on wood stoves. Here, we identify the truth behind the headlines and what measures the government is undertaking in relation to domestic burning.
Posted on March 7, 2023 by Alun
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UKAS Audit success for HETAS
HETAS welcomed the UKAS audit team during early February for its annual independent audit of our regulated services.
Posted on February 27, 2023 by Alice

HETAS responds to Defra’s emissions of air pollutants statistics
The new ‘Emissions for air pollutants in the UK’ publication released today from Defra has highlighted an increase in burning wood for fuel by 124 per cent between 2011 and 2021, and a decrease in use of coal for domestic heating. The report also highlights emissions of particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) originate from a wide range of sources covering domestic activity, industrial activity, power generation, transport and agriculture.
Posted on February 14, 2023 by hetasadmin