Working at Height
Providing functional, cost effective control measures against falls from height when carrying out minor works on domestic properties can be challenging. But it doesn’t have to be this way. The Work at Height Regulations (2005) requires that where work at height cannot be avoided, suitable and sufficient measures are taken to “prevent, so far as…
Posted on August 22, 2019 by Alun

No Contract No Payment
Having a contract in place before starting work seems obvious, but complaints from customers and traders seem to indicate that the obvious doesn’t always happen. We spoke to the team at Which? Trusted Traders on their top tips when it comes to customer contracts.
Posted on July 15, 2019 by Alun

Chimney Sweep Approval with HETAS
HETAS recognises the important role of chimney sweeps in ensuring the safe and effective use of solid fuel appliances. HETAS is intending to open up an additional pathway for applicants to the HETAS Approved Chimney Sweep scheme.
Posted on June 4, 2019 by Alun
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The Importance of Commissioning
Commissioning of any solid fuel appliance is a vital part of the installation process. However, on occasions it can be overlooked. HETAS Inspections Manager Alan Young talks to us about the critical points of the commissioning process. Guidance Building Regulations require appliances and flue systems to be tested on completion to ensure safe operation. the…
Posted on June 4, 2019 by Alun

Refresher Courses with HETAS
Refresher Courses HETAS introduced refresher courses back in 2014 in response to changes placed upon schemes by government. With many of you due to refresh over the coming year, we spoke to the training team about what’s new. HETAS has been providing refresher training for over five years now, in response to changes in the…
Posted on June 4, 2019 by Alun
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Not so Golden
Not so Golden HETAS continues it’s work of ridding our industry of the cowboys who mislead customers and rip them off with poor standards of workmanship. Rogue traders Liam Golden and Aaron Parry were charged in court in the last month through the hard work of HETAS and Trading Standards. Two rogue traders narrowly avoided…
Posted on May 7, 2019 by Alun
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Hearth Marking
Marking of the Hearth Boundary The HETAS technical helpline regularly receive enquiries relating to the subject of how a hearth surface should be marked out, i.e. the demarcation or boundary of the hearth against the regular flooring material in the room. The regulation requiring reference here is as follows: J4: Protection of Building; Combustion appliances…
Posted on May 7, 2019 by Alun

Which? Stove User Survey
Which? Stove User Survey Which? has been championing the cause for consumers since 1957, asking probing questions of businesses and manufacturers, and pursuing the answers that put you in the driving seat. A recent survey from Which? highlighted the importance of using professional services when it comes to purchasing and installing a wood burning stove.…
Posted on April 5, 2019 by Alun
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Save on Which? Trusted Traders Membership
Save on Which? Trusted Traders membership 74% of people are more likely to choose a business endorsed by Which? Become a Which? Trusted Trader today. HETAS members get 50% off the first 6 months! We know your busy, so we’ll keep it short. Which? Trusted Traders have teamed up with HETAS to bring members 50%…
Posted on April 4, 2019 by Alun
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Fireplace surround Update
Surround Update In recent years HETAS has been made aware of a small number of fatalities caused by incorrectly fitted fireplace surrounds. In a recent court case, a “cowboy job” was said to be the cause of the death of two-year-old boy. Bram Radcliffe was in his living room when the 60kg fixture, described as…
Posted on March 4, 2019 by Alun